August 9, 2023 HSAWP Board Meeting

The August meeting will be held at the Panama City Publishing Company Museum on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, at 8 a.m.

The Mission of the Historic St. Andrews Waterfront Partnership is to revitalize Historic St. Andrews by preserving the historical, cultural, and environmental resources, advocating for public/private partnerships, and fostering community engagement.

  1. Call to Order, and Establish Quorum
  2. Roll Call and Sign in Sheet
  3. Agenda Review
  4. Commissioner Street
  5. CRA report
  6. Consent Agenda
    1. Board Meeting Minutes-June
    2. Special Meeting Minutes
    3. Committee Reports
      1. Museum Committee
    4. Executive Director’s Report
    5. President’s report
  7. Executive Director’s Report
  8. Treasurer’s Report
  9. Old Business
    1. Farmer’s FMPP grant
    2. Social District
    3. Gala and sponsorship
  10. New Business
    1. Salty Dog Day
    2. Museum Committee-Pavers
    3. Upcoming Activities
      1. Play Music on the Porch (August 26)
      2. Art Break Day (September 1)
  11. Items from the floor
  12. Adjournment